Currently named as COVID-19, the coronavirus has rapidly spread and sparked alarm worldwide. A global health emergency has been declared by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and many more countries are grappling with an increase in confirmed cases.

While it’s important to take any viral outbreak seriously, it’s equally necessary to avoid spreading fear and panic.

With this episode, numerous people may be hearing the expression "coronavirus" for the first time. So, considering that, some common questions are answered here, about what’s going on with the so-called “Wuhan virus.”

Can I Travel?

If you have got travel plans booked—or were hoping to create some—don’t cancel them just yet. For many places around the world, travel remains safe. The foremost important thing to try and do is to test and get updates and suggestions for travel with the coronavirus.

How serious is the outbreak?

The outbreak is serious, but it’s not everywhere. And it’s best to be concerned but does not panic. Currently, China, Iran, Asian countries and Italy are places with serious outbreaks. Although there are cases elsewhere, it’s currently not as serious in other countries.

Whose travel advice should I trust?

It’s worth checking your local government travel advisory, no matter where in the world you’re based. They will give you travel advice before planning anything. 

Is it safe to travel right now with the coronavirus outbreak?

At the time of writing this article, the World Health Organization (WHO) has said that ‘in general, evidence shows that restricting the movement of people and goods during public health emergencies is ineffective in most situations.’ That implies that except if you have ventured out to or from a zone where coronavirus is spreading at present, or have been in contact with an infected person, your danger of becoming ill stays low.


If I decide to travel, what can I do to avoid getting sick?

The general recommendations for personal hygiene, cough etiquette and keeping a distance of a minimum of one metre from people are good starting points for anyone. 

Explore: Measures to reduce the risk of Coronavirus while travelling

So, should I cancel my travel plans, or not?

Probably not! But ultimately, this is often a call that only you'll be able to make and one you would like to feel comfortable.

Explore: Coronavirus – Do you really want to cancel your travel plan?

If you have travel plans get the facts directly as it is a good way to help you decide what to do. Going down a panic-stricken social media rabbit hole or listening to rumours from your Uncle’s best friend’s brother-in-law isn’t advisable.

What precautions should I take for my family if we travel?

Anyone planning a trip overseas must always check the travel advisory of the destination country regarding any restrictions on entry, quarantine or any other important travel advice. While travelling every parent must follow standard hygiene measures for themselves and their children. It is recommended that parents carry a hand sanitiser,  pack of disposable tissues and disinfecting wipes always.

Some general awareness questions

What is a coronavirus?

You'll hear the terms "Wuhan infection" and "Wuhan coronavirus" used reciprocally as the virus that is behind this outbreak is a kind of coronavirus which is quite common. They are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

What is a novel coronavirus?

A new strain of coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans is termed as a novel coronavirus (CoV). 

What are the symptoms of the Wuhan virus?

The symptoms of the Coronavirus often start by showing the symptoms of the common cold or any other respiratory tract infection.
Those symptoms include:


Body aches

Other flu-like symptoms may be present as well.

Is there a vaccine available for coronavirus?

No, at the point when a disease is new, there is no immunization until one is developed, even though scientists are working on vaccines. But, in the best of cases, it won’t be available before several months or even years.   

Does the coronavirus spread person-to-person?

Yes, the infection can spread starting with one individual then onto the next, in all likelihood through beads of salivation or bodily fluid transmitted when an infected person coughs or sneezes, all around for up to six feet. Viral particles might be taken in, land on surfaces that individuals contact, or be moved when shaking hands or offering a drink to somebody who has the infection. 

What is the incubation period for the coronavirus?

The time between being exposed to a germ and having symptoms of the disease is the incubation period. Current figures propose that symptoms of COVID-19 generally show up around five days all things considered, however, the incubation time frame might be as short as two days to up to 14 days.

What can I do to protect myself?

The standard recommendations to reduce the exposure and transmission of the illness incorporate keeping up a basic hand and respiratory cleanliness, and safe food patterns. Most importantly staying away from close contact, whenever the situation allows, with anybody indicating symptoms of respiratory disease, for example, coughing and sneezing.

Don't Panic! Take Precautions!